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Good News Clubs


Good News Clubs in schools, yes, schools!, community centers, churches, and neighborhood homes, teachers who are screened, trained, and equipped lead action-packed Good News Clubs every week, delivering the timeless truths of the Bible in exciting, engaging ways. Children learn the Gospel, and many come to know Jesus as their Savior.


It is legal to allow Good News Club® to meet in school facilities.

On June 11, 2001, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that Child Evangelism Fellowship® could have access to public school facilities to conduct Good News Clubs. The decision stated that Bible clubs such as the Good News Club must be given the same access to school facilities accorded any other non-school-related outside group.


Good News Clubs only happen because of people like you! You can help organize and lead a club in your home, at your church, or in your school. You can support our work training and equipping teachers with your donations. And most importantly, you can pray for this ministry!


Host a club, attend training, and volunteer or donate. To get involved with this ministry click the link below.

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